- Blind Eliminator Tag Team Tournament: Jeff Jarrett & Matt Hardy vs. Sammy Guevara & Daniel Garcia
- Hikaru Shida vs. Marina Shafir
- Blind Eliminator Tag Team Tournament: Matt Sydal & Trent Baretta vs. Brian Cage & Big Bill
- Trios Match: The Elite vs. The Dark Order
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Rampage 7/7/23
From Rogers Place in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada! Chris Jericho, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur on commentary tonight and we’re getting right to the action.
Match #1. The Elite vs. The Dark Order
Reynolds and Nick start. Reynolds pie faces Page on the apron and demands the tag, and then retreats to his corner. Reynolds ducks to the outside but Matt punts him and Hangman hits a moonsault off the post to the floor. Back inside the ring it’s the locomotion Northern Light’s suplexes and the third one is a double that includes John Silver. Buckle bomb by Page and a pair of boots by Nick and Matt. Risky Business by the Bucks to Reynolds gets two. On the outside, Silver floors Matt with a pump kick as Uno makes the tag and puts the boots to Matt in the corner. Rolling elbow by Silver, who’s now legal. Lariats in the corner by Reynolds, who looks for a reverse exploder off the top. Matt fights him off and then dives to the outside instead, taking out Uno and Silver. Matt finally gets the tag to Page and Silver comes off the top with a crossbody but Page rolls through, holds on, and tosses him with a fall away slam. Reynolds now legal and Page hits a clothesline off the top for two. Double superkicks to Reynolds and Silver on the outside as Page sends Uno to the waiting hands of the Bucks with a big boot off the apron. Shooting star press by Page to Uno on the floor! Matt low bridges Silver and hits the outside in facebuster to Reynolds and the moonsault to Silver on the floor. Canadian Destroyer to Reynolds, a lariat by Page, and an elbow drop off the top by Matt! Two count. Rolling elbow and enziguiri by Reynolds and Silver but Matt counters and Nick is here, Meltzer Driver! Two count as Uno breaks up the pin. Page and Uno in a hockey fight in the center of the ring. German suplex by Silver but it’s a Superkick Party by the Bucks to everyone. Buckshot by Page but Uno pulls the referee in the way and Page stops. Takeshita is here and provides the distraction from the apron as Uno goes low and Claudio comes out of nowhere with a flying European uppercut! Uno rolls him up for the win.
Winner: The Dark Order
Rating: ***1/2. The story between the two teams has so many layers to it, and that made for an even better match. These trios matches are a real staple of AEW and they can’t seem to miss. Heck of an opener.
Match #2. Jeff Jarrett & Matt Hardy vs. Daniel Garcia & Sammy Guevara
Garcia with some rights and lefts to Matt, who quickly tags Jeff in as they look for a double elbow, but Sammy gets the tag. Hip toss by Jericho and a Fargo Strut. Leap frog, reverse leap frog, and a flipping dropkick by Sammy to Jeff. Corkscrew dive to the outside by Sammy but Jeff moves and Jay Lethal gets taken out instead as we go to commercial break. Back from break and Hardy is clearing the ring and deleting Daniel Garcia in the turnbuckle. Garcia goes up top but Hardy catches him and hits a sit-out Razor’s Edge for a two count. Sammy gets the tag and comes off the top rope but Matt catches in the stomach. Sonjay slid the guitar in the ring and wanted Matt to use it, but Matt wasn’t have it. Matt throws the guitar to Jarrett and crew, but Sammy catches him from behind. GTH! Daniel Garcia tags himself in and covers him for the win.
Winners: Daniel Garcia & Sammy Guevara
Rating: *3/4. Not a lot here unfortunately, and the PIP-into-commercial did it no favors.
Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, and Sonjay Dutt put the boots to Matt Hardy after the bell, but Ethan Page makes the save.
Match #3. Hikaru Shida vs. Marina Shafir
Hip tosses and arm drags by Shafir to start. Fireman’s carry by Shafir into the Wasteland. Two count. Shafir asks Shida to bring it on, and she does with some heavy elbows. Shida misses a missile dropkick off the top. Shafir tries to capitalize but it’s the Falcon Arrow by Shida. Two count. Kitana finishes this one.
Winner: Hikaru Shida
Rating: *1/4. Very little more than a squash here, which is fine.
Match #4. Big Bill & Brian Cage vs. Trent & Matt Sydal
Sydal uses his speed to start but Cage catches a tieres, then catches a poisonrana, but a victory roll by Sydal gets two. Shoulder block by Cage gets two. Trent and Big Bill in now, as Bill muscles Trent into the corner and lays in some body shots. Bill gets sent to the outside and follows with a suicide dive, but Bill catches him in mid-air and chokeslams him on the apron. Bill sends Trent back-first into the ring post and then tosses him with a fall away slam on the floor! Face wash in the corner by Cage to Trent. Release German suplex by Cage and WHO’S BETTAH THAN CAGE?! Cage in control throughout the PIP, but Trent counters with a big DDT and tags Sydal. Sydal lays in some heavy leg kicks and a question mark kick. Roundhouse kick by Cage and a high kick to Big Bill! Drillclaw attempt by Cage but Sydal counters into a snap Frankensteiner for a long two count. Double stomp to the back of Bill and a running knee to the seated Bill. Double clothesline by Cage takes out both Sydal and Trent. Cage disposes of Sydal over the barricade and throws Trent into it, but Trent rebounds with a big spear to Cage. Meteora by Sydal off the guardrail to Big Bill! Trent and Sydal on opposite corners, but both get caught. Huge Bossman Slam by Bill and a Jackhammer by Cage. Half and half to Bill but a discus lariat by Cage to Trent. Sydal matrixes out of a clothesline and sends Cage to the mat. Cage catches the meteora attempt and powerbombs Sydal into the buckle. Cage and Sydal go up top but Trent catches Cage with a release German suplex off the top! Piledriver by Trent and a Meteora by Sydal off the top! One, two, no! Bill is stirring on the apron now but he eats a double superkick. Double shoulder block by Bill and a huge chokeslam to Trent. Cage has Sydal up for a powerbomb and Bill catches him with a lariat at the same time for the win!
Winners: Brian Cage & Big Bill
Rating: ***1/2. This match ruled. Both teams had chemistry like they’ve been together forever, and I’d be very interested in a Bill and Cage team. HOW GOOD IS BIG BILL?! Super entertaining tag match to close out the show.
Final Thoughts: Super hot start and finish, but the middle of the show was “meh” at the very best. The Elite/Dark Order/BCC triangle story is great stuff, and the Blind Eliminator Tag Team Tournament, despite not having a lot at stake, is providing some fun match ups. 7/10.