Brandon Cutler discusses the epic feud between The Elite and the Blackpool Combat Club in AEW.
The company star appeared on Comedy Store Wrestling to give his insight on the feud, and how he made the pitch to get taken out by the BCC so that it could only feature the main players of The Elite.
In all honesty, that was an idea I had for that angle (Cutler referring to B.C.C. taking he & Michael Nakazawa out), being that there is 10 people in the angle (B.C.C. vs. The Elite) where it’s (a) five-on-five team that they were building for this Blood & Guts that had just happened this past week and so early in that angle, it was kind of apparent that I was like, every time they do these little brawls or something or, these guys will be here after a match and they’ll come in and jump and I was always standing outside of the ring with a camera and I’m like, should I get hit? Or should I fight at all? Or should I just stand there and record this and after a couple of those, I was like, yeah, maybe me and Nak should get taken out for this angle and so I threw that idea out there to the wind, to everybody that I was like, hey, what if how B.B.C. — I’ve constantly called them B.B.C. (he laughed). BCC. It’s unnatural for me to say BCC. But yeah, after a couple of those times, I was like, ‘Hey! You guys, since you’re kind of taking everybody out –’ they did Hangman (Adam Page) with the screwdriver and Don (Callis), clubbed him and they ended up getting a nice gash on his head. I was like, ‘What if you guys kind of do that to me and Nak? But it’s a little more gruesome and then it takes us out for the rest of the angle so then we don’t have to have 12 or 13 or 14-ish because Don and now you got (Konosuke) Takeshita and all these others are kind of coming in. Then I’m like, ‘What if it wipes us out and then you guys can have your angle?’ That it’s already 10 people deep, that it’s already so many chefs in the kitchen. So I was like, ‘Yeah, and then we can peace out for the rest of this thing, once they do that,’ and everyone kind of bit on it and then it became, for the day that I pitched it, it became how brutally can they beat us up? It was a lot of ideas thrown out of, ‘Ouuu, what if we had you guys locked up in a place backstage and then we drag you out into the ring?’ There was a lot of different ideas of how they can brutalize us and then that was kind of (what) the end result ended up being is what you guys saw.
He adds that he is unsure of when he will be back on-screen with the Elite.
I don’t know honestly (when I’ll be coming out with The Young Bucks again). That’s some of the beauty of wrestling is (you) don’t know until some of the days you get there and then it is you get there thinking you have nothing and then it’s like, oh no, you’re gonna do this now this week. ‘Huh!? What!? Okay.’
Shifting subjects, Cutler talks about how he would love to be a more serious wrestler but also knows that AEW needs depth and enjoys being a comedy wrestler.
I think there is that part of me where I could do something with the dragon or something again. Do a serious wrestler-type or just do something completely new, you know, haven’t even thought of but there is something, I think, to the comedic, to the stooge at the moment because when I look at the roster of AEW, there’s dozens of great wrestlers. Okay, he’s a great wrestler, he’s a great technical wrestler, he’s a great high flier, he’s great on the mic, this guy’s great at this, this guy’s great at this but it’s like, how many people are the funny guy? You got Orange Cassidy, right (Danhausen too) and the list stops. If you think of great wrestlers, it’s stacked and especially in a company like this of, okay, you wanna be a great high flier? You got (El Hijo del) Vikingo and (Rey) Fénix and PAC and you got Komander. You got so many and they’re top-level so you can’t just be like, oh, I can do a good ‘rana, or something. It’s like, no, the game’s elevated now. You can’t just be kind of good or good enough. You need to be top shelf of whatever category you’re going for. So there’s that of, yeah, I’m a good wrestler, but am I the best of what class I’m doing? And I’m like, in comedy, I believe I am. I think I could be top shelf, one of the comedy guys. So I’m like, I’ll go for that. I don’t mind that.
The Elite defeated the BCC at last Wednesday’s Blood & Guts matchup.
(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)