Impact Wrestling held their Down Under Tour Night 2 pay-per-view on Saturday, July 1 from the Equex Center in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. You can click here for Night 1 results.
Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt are on commentary.
Adam Brooks vs. Robbie Eagles to crown first Oceania Pro Wrestling Champion
Originally, this was to be a three-way with Brian Myers, but he’s been shifted to wrestling Kazarian later tonight due to the Steve Maclin injury.
These are two talents who know each other very well. Oceania Pro helped Impact with a lot of the logistics for this tour. They went back and forth until Eagles nailed a heel kick that sent Brooks to the floor. He caught Brooks with some chops when he returned and scored a two count with a dropkick. Brooks fired back and scored several two counts. He attempted a crossface but Eagles made it to the ropes to break the attempt.
Brooks nailed a suplex into the buckles. Eagles went to the floor but was nailed with a pump kick from the apron. Brooks scored with a series of knees to the face and went to the ropes, coming off with a diving bomb knee attack to the back of the neck for another two count on Eagles. Eagles tried to fight from underneath with chops. Brooks returned in kind. Eagles scored with a boomerang clothesline from behind.
Eagles came back with a big dropkick into the corner, followed by a double knee attack, which he repeated, scoring a two count. He continued to attack the legs, trying to soften Brooks up for his submission, the Miller Special. They battled into the corner, where Eagles was trapped between the buckles and kicked. Eagles fired back with a series of kicks, culminating with a Pele Kick. Brooks used a TKO, smashing him onto the ropes, where Eagles crashed to the floor. Brooks nailed a dive. Back in the ring, Brooks nailed a DDT for another close near fall.
Brooks scored with a series of kicks to the side of the head. They fired back and forth with punches. Eagles got the better of the exchange, unloading with a series of forearms to the side of the head. Brooks caught him with a pump kick. Some really entertaining back and forth action. Eagles nailed a reverse rana. The crowd chanted, “This is awesome.” Eagles locked on his finisher, The Ron Miller Special, but Brooks made it to the ropes to break up the reverse figure four.
Eagles went to the top but missed a 450 splash. Brooks sent him into the buckles and ascended to the top. He nailed a swanton bomb and scored the pin.
Your winner and the first OPW Champion, Adam Brooks!
An excellent opener the crowd loved with each taking the fight to each other. Very strong case made for why each should get more attention here in North America.
Gisele Shaw cut a promo saying tonight is going to be different for Deonna Purrazzo. She’s done the tape study and will be a technical wrestler tonight, just like she showed last night. She promised to leave the new Knockouts Champion and will break Deonna’s arm.
The Natural Classics vs. Velocities.
I’m not familiar with the teams of their members so don’t expect a deep PBP on this one. The Classics are Steven & Tome Filip. They were in control early on and showed some nice intensity. The Velocities are Paris De Silva & Mat Diamond. It was solid action but the Classics were the showcased team here.
Your winners, The Natural Classics!
I saw enough of each team that I’d want to see what else they can do down the line. Classics have a nice look.
Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo promised that Gisele was facing a Fujiwara armbar specialist tonight and promised she would not be leaving with the title.
They plugged Slammiversary on 7/15.
Impact Wrestling Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry vs. Moose.
Hendry cut a promo about all the animals he saw in the Wagga Wagga Zoo. I popped for the Alpacas. This led to him bringing up the old Dancing Moose song. Hendry does a great job getting the crowd into the show with his entrance and promos. He’s really excelled thus far in Impact.
They had a test of strength early but Moose nailed him in the mid-section. Hendry walked away from a Moose charge in the corner and nailed a delayed vertical suplex. Moose popped up and tossed him to the floor but Hendry dragged him to the outside and sent him into the ring post. Moose was smashed into the apron over and over as the crowd counted. Moose finally stopped it but was sent into the ring post.
Back inside the ring, Moose cut him off and beat down Hendry in the corner with some hard chops. Hendry mounted a big comeback. Hendry worked him over with right hands in the corner, raining down with fists. Hendry nailed his signature Fallaway Slam. Hendry set up for the Standing Ovation chokeslam but Moose blocked and went for a powerbomb. Hendry blocked it and went for a Uranage but that too was blocked. Moose dropkicked and powerbombed the champ but Hendry kicked up at two.
Moose attempted a spear but missed. Moose rolled Hendry up and pulled the tights but Hendry kicked up. Hendry caught him with a pop-up powerbomb for a close two count. Good stuff. Moose nailed a superplex and held on but Hendry countered and suplexed him over. The crowd loved that live. They battled back and forth with punches and strikes. Moose caught him in a backslide for a two count. Moose rolled him up but the referee caught him hooking the tights. Moose argued and was rolled up and pinnned.
Your winner and still Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry!
Good match with a nice “heel costs himself the match” karmic finish that was perfect for a house show, which is really what this show is.
They showed a video piece on some of the community outreach Impact Wrestling took part in while in Wagga Wagga.
Slex vs. Eddie Edwards.
This is a first-time ever bout. Edwards went right to the floor to play off the crowd chanting that he sucks. Edwards had control early, drilling Slex with some right hands in the corner. He sent Slex into the buckles and he evaded Edwards until drilling him with a big back elbow. They battled to the floor. Slex went for a dive but was nailed as he hit the ropes. The story was that Edwards was controlling the pace of the match.
Edwards nailed an elevated slam onto the apron outside and soaked in the boos. Edwards tossed Slex back in but he kicked out of a pinfall attempt. Edwards kept working him over. Slex fought back with a series of forearms but Edwards caught him with a hard elbow for a two count. Edwards tried to set up for the Die Hard Driver but Slex blocked. They battled over a suplex, which Slex finally scoring the maneuver.
They battled back and forth. Edwards nailed the Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Slex came back with the Business Bomb, a spinning sit-out powerbomb for a two count. Edwards went to the floor but was caught with a tornado DDT on the floor. Edwards was dumped into the ring and hit a moonsault but kicked out at the last second. The fans chanted “This is awesome.”
Edward came back to nail the Proton Pack and finally scored the pin with the Boston Knee Party.
Your winner, Eddie Edwards!
A real good, hard-fought match. Slex played the local babyface role really well.
They aired a promotional video for Wagga Wagga tourism.
Killer Kelly vs. Steph De Lander.
Steph ripped on having to be in Wagga Wagga again and declared that even though she lost last night, she’s not a loser. She proclaimed she was better than anyone in the audience, anyone watching at home or the creepy creep Killer Kelly. Good, simple, effective heel promo.
They ended up fighting on the floor early and almost wiped out the camera person when Steph was whipped at the ring post. Steph gained control with forearms in the corner. Kelly kicked her away while on the top rope but was nailed and hit with a superplex for a two count. Kelly was worked over for a long time, trying to make a comeback. Steph nailed another suplex for a two count.
Kelly finally mounted a comeback and scored several two counts. She elevated Steph for a DVDR but Steph evaded it. Kelly was drilled with a kick to the ribs and was almost pinned. Steph went for a suplex but was caught with a DDT for another two count. Kelly grabbed the Killer Klutch but Steph got to her feet and drove them backwards into the buckles over and over. Kelly held on but was finally pulled off. Steph nailed a big powerbomb and scored the pin.
Your winner, Steph De Lander!
This was De Lander’s first ever Impact win. With her being home in Australia, it made sense to give her the win. They worked hard.
Kazarian cut a promo saying he was supposed to wrestle Steve Maclin tonight. He said that Maclin was injured against Alex Shelley last night. His rage and anger was focused on Eddie Edwards but Brian Myers is a tough, underrated wrestler. He said Myers can go back to talking about toys tomorrow because tonight is about Frankie kicking his ass.
Brian Myers vs. Frankie Kazarian.
They started off slow, feeling the other out and playing to the crowd. The locked up with each working over the other’s arm. Very slow, methodical style early as they worked on extremities and used a headlock. Makes me wonder if they are going long. Lots of really good back and forth old school style mat wrestling and reversals here. Kazarian finally gained some momentum running Myers around the ring, slamming him into the buckles.
Kazarian catches him with a DDT for a two count. Myers rolled to the apron outside but continues to take fire. Myers finally snapped Kazarian over the ropes to halt the momentum. Myer choked him against the ropes. Myers worked over Kazarian for a long time, including stomping him in the corner. Kazarian tried to fight from underneath but Myers sent him right back to the mat. Myers cinched in rear chinlock.
Kazarian escapes and finally catches him with a big right but was then struck with a big enziguiri. Myers scored several two counts. Kazarian was caught with a DDT for a two count. Myers went right back to the chinlock, but Kazarian nailed a big belly to back suplex. Kazarian unloaded with a series of rights and an elbow. He whipped Myers into the ropes and caught him with a clothesline. Kazarian nailed a legdrop for a two count.
Myers was drilled with an elbow charging into the corner and nailed with a guillotine legdrop. Kazarian drilled him with a DDT for a two count. Myers came back with a spear for a two count. Real good back and forth action. Myers went to the top rope but was caught by Kazarian. They battled in the corner. Kazarian was shoved down into the ring and drilled with a flying elbow for another close two count. Kazarian used a crucific pinfall attempt for another two count.
Kazarian trapped Myers in the crossface chickenwing and forced him to submit.
Your winner, Kazarian!
A textbook wrestling match on how a bout should be built and executed. These two are really great at all the little veteran tricks and this was super enjoyable.
Impact Wrestling Tag Team Champions ABC vs. The Motor City Machine Guns, Impact Wrestling Champion Alex Shelley & X-Division Champion Chris Sabin.
The crowd chanted “This is awesome” before they even locked up.
Chris Bey and Alex Shelley kicked things off. LOTS of back and forth chants. Some really good back and forth action. Shelley nailed a big forearm. Bey, not happy, responded. Sabin got involved and it got pretty physical. The story was Sabin was taking his anger over Lio Rush attacking him on AXS TV out on Bey. Ace Austin tagged in and controlled Sabin with a side headlock. Austin had control but was eventually trapped by the Guns as they tagged in and out, working him over.
ABC finally regained control, doubleteaming Shelley while Sabin was dispatched to the floor. Shelley tried to fight them off. Sabin tagged in and hit a bodypress off the top on ABC. The Guns cut Bey off and nail a double clothesline on him. Sabin drilled him with a neckbreaker, scoring a two count. Sabin tied him up, trying to force a submission before nailing yet another neckbreaker for a near fall. Bey finally avoids a move, sending Sabin into Shelley. Bey then hits a drop toehold, drilling them into each other again.
Austin tagged in and tagged Sabin with a series of kicks and a legdrop. He nailed a missile double dropkick. The Guns were sent to the floor. Austin nailed a series of kicks from the apron to the floor on the Guns. Back in the ring, ABC worrked over Sabin, scoring several two counts. There was a flurry of moves that left everyone wiped out on the mat. The crowd chanted, “This is awesome.”
The Guns had another miscommunication, allowing Bey to nail The Art of Finesse on Sabin but it’s broken up. Sabin caught Bey with a Cutter. The Guns nailed the Dream Sequence. The Guns nailed a double-team powerslam, neckbreaker combo for another near fall. This is really getting damn good. Everyone attacked each other with kicks and leaping forearms. ABC nailed the Art of Finesse followed by The Fold on Sabin and Austin scored the pin as Bey held Shelley back.
Your winners and still Impact Tag Team Champions, ABC!
Really strong match that built well. ABC are really something to behold right now as a team.
Impact Wrestling Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo vs. Gisele Shaw
Shaw went right to the floor, trying to mind games with Purrazzo. If she wins, the Slammiversary PPV evolves into a three-way with Trinity.
The story is that Shaw wanted to break Purrazzo by beating her at her own game, technical wrestling. They had some solid back and forth with Purrazzo taking her to the mat but Shaw kept escaping. Shaw was able to hold Purrazzo down with leg scissors but Purrazzo escaped and tied up Shaw on the mat. If you like technical mat wrestling, this was very good early on. Shaw escaped trying to shake out her arm. They faced off.
They locked up again, going into a series of near falls. Shaw tied up Purrazzo’s leg but Deonna was able to counter and cinch one of her own. They faced off again. Shaw drilled her and took control briefly but was snapped into an armbar by the champ. Shaw was under the ropes so Deonna had to break it. Shaw stomped her arm and used the ropes to bend it and wear down Deonna’s arm.
Shaw controlled Deonna on the mat, focusing her attack on the arm. Purrazzo fought back but missed a charge in the corner and hit her shoulder into the ring post, further aggravating the shoulder. Shaw worked over Deonna on the floor and tossed her back in, scoring several two counts. She went back to attacking the arm, manipulating the wrist and fingers. Deonna tried to fight back but Shaw cinched in a deep armbar. Shaw grabbed a hammerlock and went to charge Deonna into the corner but Deonna reversed and now it was Shaw hitting the ring post shoulder first.
Purrazzo had control but when she went for the Fujiwara armbar, her arm was too hurt to properly cinch it in. That allowed Shaw to attack and lock in her own armbar. Purrazzo made it to the ropes to break it. Deonna kept kicking Shaw away and caught her with a pump kick. Shaw fired back with a superkick but was snatched in a Flatliner into a Koji Clutch. Shaw battled out and went for a full nelson but Purrazzo started slugging it out with her. They fired back and forth with big forearms.
Shaw caught her with Shock & Awe, the backbreaker combination, scoring a close two count. Purrazzo was almost caught in an armbar but escaped, only to almost be pinned and then locked into the armbar. Deonna tried to fight to the ropes but Shaw grabbed her by the hair. By doing so, she allowed Deonna chance to escape and grab her in the Venus di Milo, forcing Shaw to tap.
Your winner and still Knockouts Champion, Deonna Purrazzo!
A fine main event focused more on submissions and grappling.
Stay tuned to for more.
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(h/t to PWInsider)