Indie sensation Jordan Oliver recently appeared on the Straight Talk Wrestling program to discuss a wide range of topics, including hist thoughts on his time in MLW and how he feels about his tag team partner Nick Wayne making his AEW debut later this week. Highlights from the interview can be found below.
On his run in MLW and how much he enjoyed the experience:
I think for me, the MLW experience was good. It was overall good. The issues that were there are I love the indies. I love wrestling for Game Changer Wrestling, I love wrestling for promotions like Demand Lucha. I don’t have any aspirations to wrestle outside of the independents. This is where I belong, this is what I want to do and yeah, that’s why. But the MLW thing was so awesome, I learned so much. I got to be around so many great minds like Low Ki, Savio Vega, even Court Bauer. These guys are geniuses and they helped me go from here to here.
Knows that to be considered one of the best ever he has to go to WWE, AEW, and NJPW:
Because I’m tag team partners with Nick Wayne, he’s currently signed with AEW, debuting on AEW which July (12th) is his first match. July 10th is his 18th birthday, July (12th) is his debut on TV. So I would sign with AEW to team with Nick more because that’s, again, someone I’m so close with and I feel like we have so much potential to be a legendary tag team… Us versus The Young Bucks? Holy sh*t… Me and Wayne always talk about us versus The Golden Lovers (he laughed). So yeah, I guess that seems like the best path right now, but, I do love the indies. My main goal in professional wrestling is to be the best ever. So, to do these things, to be considered one of the best ever, you have to go to WWE, you have to go to AEW, you have to do New Japan, you have to do these things so, whatever the case may be, if AEW was to offer tag stuff with Wayne, then I would probably sign in a heartbeat. If WWE was to offer me not an NXT contract then maybe I would take it, no problem. But at this point in my indie career, I’m 23, been wrestling for eight years, I have so much time to become so much better. Even you said, maybe that (Jacob) Fatu match was two, three years ago and I was just getting good, you know?
(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)