Keiji Muto believes that WWE and Pro Wrestling NOAH could potentially work together following WWE’s new media deal with ABEMA in Japan.
The Hall of Famer and Japanese legend spoke on this topic during a recent interview with BBM Sports Japan, where he explained how the two companies could benefit one another going forward. Muto, also known as The Great Muta, even offers to bribe Triple H with some sushi to make the collaboration happen.
NOAH is also ABEMA, right? It is a member of the Cyber Agent Group. Now WWE is also ABEMA, so there is a possibility that something will be born between WWE and NOAH. Okay, next time, I’ll build that bridge. I’ll buy Triple H some sushi, and I’ll bring the receipt to ABEMA. Wrestling is all about connecting the dots to the lines.
Ever since his induction into the WWE Hall of Fame Muto has been more involved with WWE, including making an appearance at the recent WWE Payback premium live event to support his good friend, Shinsuke Nakamura.