Kurt Angle gave his thoughts on various topics on the latest episode of his Kurt Angle Show including why he thinks WWE took advantage of Kane, the drama between Lita, Edge, and Matt Hardy in 2005 that led to an on-screen rivalry, and more. Here are the highlights:
On Kane:
“No. You know what? I didn’t hang out with Glen that often. He was a really nice guy. Nobody could [say a bad thing about him]. He was like the perfect employee; you know, he never got in trouble. Yeah. He did everything he was told to do. He showed up. He worked his ass off. I think he was a little too nice because the company kind of took advantage of him. He did a lot more, had a lot more losses than wins, and was a dominant character. So, you know, but he was one of those guys that was in the main event that really made other wrestlers because when you’re going up through the ranks, you had to go through Kane. And when you beat Kane, that’s a big plus on, you know, on your shoulder. You can continue knowing that you’re a bigger star after you defeat Kane. So he was one of the obstacles you had to go through to get to the main event.”
On the real-life drama with Edge, Lita, and Matt Hardy:
“All right. Listen, I was good friends with all of them. I didn’t like it. I felt like it was really uncomfortable to be around this situation, you know, knowing that Matt was Lita’s and Lita was Matt’s, and then, you know, edge came along and kind of took her away. It didn’t sit well with me and I wasn’t gonna be there and, and, and chastise anybody. I kept quiet, but I didn’t agree with it.”
If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit with an h/t to Wrestling Headlines for the transcription.